The Law of the Jungle

When Mother Nature welcomes you into her home, you should repay her generosity by conducting yourself appropriately. You are but a humble guest in a place of endless wonder, where animals take refuge. It is of utmost importance to obey these laws of the jungle while you are visiting the Yala National Park as these amazing creatures should not feel threatened by human presence in what is a safe haven to them.  Be prepared and follow the visitor’s guide to be a grateful guest.  

A Wildlife Safari is an Educational Experience:

Before you go on your safari ride, take the time to read up on Yala National Park. Learn its history, geography, weather, and inhabitants. The more you know, the more you can do to help preserve these endangered lives and maintain the biodiversity of the area. A safari is not a circus. You are merely exploring and witnessing majestic animals in their natural habitat, so take care to not disrupt their lifestyles. Know your hosts. If you have children present with you, teach them the importance of this journey.

Leave No Traces:

Yala is a sanctuary. Be a responsible naturalist and appreciate that you are in the midst of nature in its original unbridled form. Please do not litter. Wear white or dust-colored or outfits (yellow, green, brown) so you will blend in easier in the jungle. Do not behave in a way that will attract predatory animals such as leopards or threaten the peace. Do not even leave footsteps. Do not take or leave anything but memories.

Be Invisible:

The general rule of thumb at Yala is to blend in and be as invisible as you could possibly get, as your goal is to simply observe the wilderness. Understand each animal’s habitat and do not pose them a threat or try to be too friendly. It is extremely important to not upset their equilibrium. Avoid any kind of verbal or gestural interactions with animals as it may scare or aggravate them. Try not to follow animals as they might feel under pressure which will in turn cause a drop in their hunting, feeding and reproducing. You are privileged to be amongst them and you should always treat them with due respect.

What not to Do:

There are certain rules at Yala National Park, of which violations are punishable by a fine or prison time. So take heed, obey, and respect the grounds you walk on. It is your responsibility to preserve the ancient sites, the wildlife and the environment you are in. Do not feed the animals, or eat food (especially ones with strong odor) while you are around them. Keep your electronic devices switched off or on silent and do not take flash photography. No weapons, drugs, or cigarettes are allowed in the premises. Please do not get overly excited or impatient, if there is traffic as there are only so many designated routes. Do not speed while at premises at any time.

Understand the nature that surrounds you, have fun and make unforgettable memories.