Not All Cinnamon is Created Equal

Cinnamon toast, Cinnamon tea, Apple-Cinnamon Pies and Cinnamon buns: these are a few of our favorite things! The fragrance of cinnamon is like a warm hug on a cold night and that feeling is unmatched. This Sri Lankan spice is one of the most beloved spices, and one of the most traded but it also happens to be one that doesn’t get due credit. Get cozy with your favorite cinnamon treat, because we’re going to break down the basics of True Cinnamon.

What is Cinnamon?

Cinnamon is a spice created from the inner bark of the Cinnamomum tree. Strips of the inner bark are dried until they curl into rolls known as cinnamon sticks or quills. These can then be ground into powder or made into an extract. The unique properties of this spice come from its essential oils and compounds, particularly cinnamaldehyde, which gives the spice its distinct flavor, aroma and a plethora of health benefits.

Most people are unaware that all Cinnamon is not created equal. There are two varieties: Ceylon Cinnamon grown only in Sri Lanka, and Cassia Cinnamon, which originated in China. The latter is what’s more readily available in international markets, and is cheaper, and of lower quality than True Cinnamon.

What is True Cinnamon?

True Cinnamon also known as Ceylon Cinnamon (Cinamomum Zylanicum) is a plant indigenous to Sri Lanka. It is a bushy evergreen tree. Cinnamon grown and produced in Sri Lanka has acquired long standing reputation in the international market due to its unique, quality, colour, flavour and aroma. In Sri Lanka, the making of Cinnamon is an art, that is passed down from generation to generation.

True Cinnamon is a beautiful brown color, and contains many sticks with soft light layers. It has a delicate mild flavor to it, that elevates dishes, especially desserts, to another level. This is a Cinnamon that is superior to the usual Cassia variety that is grown in other parts of the world. It is pricey, but it’s worth it!

How to Identify True Cinnamon:

If you are an avid Cinnamon consumer, or an enthusiast, knowing your Cinnamon is essential. Cassia Cinnamon is largely available in markets, and True Cinnamon is harder to come by, as Sri Lanka is its only producer. The quickest and the easiest way to identify True Cinnamon is to see if the quills are of a lighter brown, and has multiple folds that resemble a cigar cavity. Cassia quills have inward folded thick and dark brown layers, and are hollow in the middle. If you are shopping for Cinnamon powder, go for lighter Cinnamon, that has a mild aroma as opposed to the strong fragrance of Cassia. And last but not least, check the label!

Health Benefits:

We could sing praises of True Cinnamon for days! There are many health benefits to it, in addition to bringing that nice hit of spice to all dishes. The medicinal properties of Cinnamon are due to the high level of cinnamaldehyde found in it. Cinnamon also has large amounts of highly potent polyphenol antioxidants, surpassing most superfoods, making it an excellent choice of preservative. It has anti-inflammatory properties, which help your body fight against chronic diseases such as diabetes. It might also reduce risk of heart disease, including cholesterol, triglycerides and blood pressure. The cinnamaldehyde chemical also has known antifungal and antibacterial properties, which helps you maintain better overall health.

It truly is an elixir.

Photos sourced from Peyman Zehtab Fard