Making the Switch to Tea from Coffee

There seems to be two kinds of people: coffee drinkers and tea lovers, and these are two worlds that rarely collapse because the tastes vary largely. Coffee is, interestingly enough, known to be the most famous drug of choice and recent studies have found that like most drugs, coffee too could possibly carry risks to your health. So here is why you should make the big switch from coffee to tea, and live a healthier, less caffeine oriented life.
The correct way to make this switch is to not go cold turkey, and to choose the right tea for you. Your vacation to Sri Lanka might just help you stay on the right track. There are plenty of different variations to choose from like black, green, white, oolong and even matcha, as well as herbal tea and flavored tea. You will definitely find your favorite beverage here.

Energy Boost:

Coffee addicts love their morning coffee because of the caffeine rush that it gives that sends a jolt of energy through their veins. However, the crash from that high leaves them lazy and demotivated. Caffeine high could deplete your energy levels suddenly, leaving you more exhausted, drained and craving more. Tea would solve that issue since the caffeine in tea is released slowly and lasts for hours. Since it is long-lasting, you could go for a longer duration of time without craving another cup of tea.

Traditional Medicine:

This might come as a shock to all caffeine-addicted coffee enthusiasts, but coffee can actually give you migraines and nausea, whereas tea has always been used to treat different ailments in traditional medicinal practices. Tea is known for itsCe anti-aging and beautifying properties due to the high level of antioxidants it carries. Coffee on the other hand, destroys its antioxidants in the grinding process. Tea, unlike coffee, increases bone density and reduces rate of bone loss in the long run.

Digestive Health:

Not only does tea work miracles with weight loss, it also contains probiotics that are extremely healthy. Tea contains none of the acidity in coffee and doesn’t cause heartburns or ulcers unlike its competition. You can put a stop to all the frequent bathroom breaks you need to take after every cup of coffee, if you make the simple switch to tea.

The Taste:

Let’s be honest, very rarely does anyone order a cup of black. It’s bitter, bold and astringent. Unless you’re an avid coffee consumer, this could be unpleasant. You’d need to add milk, cream, sugar, hazelnut, cinnamon, whipped cream and many other additions to make your dream cup of coffee. Whereas tea, tasted divine even if it is plain. The aroma is refreshing, herbal and natural because it is made of Camellia sinensis. Also, there are different flavors like strawberry, mint, ginger, cinnamon and apple. There are herbal teas such as chamomile, rooibos, that are also great for you.

Heart and Brain Health:

Coffee is known to be helpful when it comes to cardiovascular diseases, although it has been found that coffee also increases the risk of cholesterol. Tea, on the other hand, reduces risks of both these diseases as well as that of triglyceride. It also decreases the chances of Alzheimer’s and general short-term memory loss, which would mean that for everyone that crams for exams, sipping a cup of tea instead of coffee would be advantageous.

Substituting your daily doze of coffee with tea, would also guarantee less muscle cramps, better sleep, clearer skin and more sustained energy.

Photos sourced from Judit Klein , Kanko