Tips on Giving Back When You Travel – December Edition

Traveling is one of the purest joys one could and should experience in a lifetime. There are always more places to discover, more adventures to conquer, more cultures to fall in love with, more people to meet, more cuisines to taste, and more pictures to fill your photo albums with. But travel is also so much more than the good times and the even better memories. It is about giving back to the communities, host countries, local economies, and environment. We thought we would give you a few valuable tips on how to travel in a way that benefits all parties involved. And what better time to do so, than December?

Even if your travel plans are on a temporary hiatus at the moment, these tips will be useful for when they resume.

Shop Locally:

This is the easiest way to ensure that you practice sustainability and contribute to the host country’s economic growth and development, while having the time of your life. It’s a win-win. Always choose small businesses and home-based companies, because their entire livelihood depends on the daily wages they make through the unique products. It could be as simple as shopping at the local markets for fresh ingredients, or giving a generous tip. Since, it’s the holiday season, and you’re undoubtedly on the lookout for perfect gifts and souvenirs to take back home for your loved ones, make sure they’re authentic representations of the country you’re in.

Travel tip for tourists in Sri Lanka: Batik and handloom creations make for excellent Christmas gifts.

Eat Local Food:

We cannot stress how important it is to follow this simple yet efficient tip. As humans a lot of our memories are intrinsically tied to our memories of food, and we associate people, places and experiences. That is why all the best stories have something to do with good food. Traveling presents you with the opportunity to expand your horizon, by eating your way into it, so never pass on the chance to welcome new flavors, aromas and cuisines. Not only will you develop an understanding of other cultures and traditions, you will also be helping the locals of the host country you’re in. So, don’t eat at fast food places or international chain restaurants when you are on an adventure. Try authentic recipes, indulge on street food, and pick up new favorite dishes.

Travel tip for tourists in Sri Lanka: Sri Lankan gastronomy is decadent, indulgent and unique. Try food like kottu, hoppers, watalappam, aluwa and halapa, as well as Christmas delicacies like Bibikkan.

Be Green:

No, that is not a Christmas pun. Being green while you travel has positive impacts on the environment, local economies, and your conscience. From the modes of transportation you choose, to the amount of plastic you dispose of, to what you pack all play an important role in the big picture. So, try to minimize air travel and always opt for public transport within the country you’re in. To be healthier, you can also rent a bicycle or get those steps in by walking. Pack lightly, and carry reusable bottles, containers and bags with you, so you won’t have to chuck it in trash cans. Pick resorts or Airbnbs that are eco-friendly.

Travel tips for tourists in Sri Lanka: December is truly the most wonderful time of the year to hit the beaches and get in touch with nature. We suggest the southern coast for best surfing spots or a safari ride at Yala to spot wildlife at its finest.

Give Back, Literally:

Sometimes, the simple stuff works. Giving back when you travel could mean a lot of things. You could buy food for the homeless, be generous with your tips, gift school supplies to orphanages, donate money for causes like natural disaster relief, wildlife conservation, poverty reduction, education, and healthcare. Giving back doesn’t have to be limited to money and provisions. You could also volunteer to any number of causes and help make the world a better place through your travels. If you are shopping for gifts, go for equitably sourced products and businesses that support charities that you can get behind.

Travel tip for tourists in Sri Lanka: Make donations to organizations and charities. You can find one here:

Get Talking:

We live in a world where information is at the tip of our fingers, so use that to give back to the countries, people, nature, and the experiences that gave you unforgettable memories. Post photos of anything and everything you find interesting, and share your travel stories with your friends, followers and the world. Support causes openly and boldly and be vocal about the social media movements you resonate with. Get a conversation going, so more people see what you are passionate about and how your adventures have shaped you. This could encourage more people to visit the countries, which in turn could make their economies grow, and become more developed over time. If you are currently at home, share your old memories, because everyone loves a throwback photo.

Travel tip for tourists in Sri Lanka: It’s a gorgeous country, no matter what part of it you’re in. So, just snap, post, share!

This is by no means a comprehensive list of the good deeds you can do when you travel, but you get the idea. A little kindness goes a long way. Spread happiness, cheer and good thoughts.

Photos sourced from dronepicr, Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement, Kolitha de Silva