Sri Lanka in December

Sri Lanka is a little island of wonder that delivers in adventure, new memories and unique experiences, no matter what time of the year you visit during. Even though, it is 2020 and travel is restricted to the country right now and safety and health should be prioritized above all else, if you are currently in this gorgeous country, you could still make the most of your vacation while following all the precautions. And if not, our article will surely make you look forward to December next year, just so you could see this marvelous country for yourself. In either case, here is everything you need to know about traveling to Sri Lanka in December to make it one to remember.

The Weather:

Right now, I’m writing this article while I’m in Thalaimannar, in the wake of a cyclone, so I can assure you that traveling to the east and the north parts of the country is not advised. Although, it rarely gets this drastic, the rainfall is frequent in this area of the country during December, but on the plus side, every other part of Sri Lanka is an absolute dream to stay in, during the holidays. December is an excellent time of year to visit Sri Lanka’s western and southern coasts, and hill country as the rainfall brought in by the south-west monsoon is replaced by blue skies and sunshine. If you’re tired of cold, winter Christmases, then head on down to Sri Lanka, because it is peak beach season, and there’s nothing quite like a December beach party to end the year with a bang.

Where to Visit:

You can never go wrong with staying in Colombo during the holidays in Sri Lanka because the Christmas spirit and the festivities are amazing this time of the year. Negombo is also known to be one of the best places to visit in December because the little town which resembles the perfect mixture of quaint Europe and local cultures, has a number of churches that will take your breath away with their celebrations. The southern parts of the country, like Galle, Mirissa, Unawatuna and Hikkaduwa have pristine beaches and this is the ideal time to visit them. It is all sunshine, perfect waves and calm seas all month long. If you want to experience the best of both worlds and crave a bit of chilly weather too, you could take a trip to the hill country too.

Activities in December:

Like we mentioned earlier, Colombo is glorious in December, and if you are in this bubbly city, you should definitely visit the Dutch Hospital Precinct, to see a gorgeous Christmas tree and hit some of the best bars in the city, all the while enjoying melodious music. Walk around the city to enjoy caroling, spend time at the Galle Face Beach, and see how all the places are lit up with more than just Christmas lights and decorations. You should definitely give Sri Lankan cuisine a try, which gets even more elevated in terms of flavor, spices, and aroma this time of the year (top suggestion: try Bibikkan, a local Christmas favorite made with coconut, jaggery, treacle and lots of nuts). If you are in the south, give kite surfing and surfing a shot. Like we said earlier, the hill country offers a lot of great experiences in December, like mountain hiking, tasting freshly made tea, visiting Adisham’s Bungalow for locally produced jams and marmalades and joining a pilgrimage at Adam’s Peak. The options are endless.

Photos sourced from Muhun Sathasivam, Hassan Rafeek