Travelers of All Kinds Unite – Let’s Go to Sri Lanka

There is no right and wrong when it comes to travelling. There are only different types of it. Whether travelling is your job, passion or a hobby, it is still a part of your life. There are many types of travelers, and we have put together a list of categories that all globetrotters and sightseers fall under. Read on to find out which type you identify with the most, and which Sri Lankan attractions and destinations that will resonate with you the most.

The Escapist:

The Escapist is a type of traveler who strongly believes that travelling would ease all worries. If you are an escapist, you might lean towards the idea of it for the sake of getting away from your ordinary life. This helps to an extent, because it minimizes your decision making process since you would primarily search for a way to experience the stark opposite of your everyday life. If you fall under this category, you might even enjoy quality alone time at a spa, or a secluded beach. After all, don’t we all long to escape from the tediousness of our 9-5 jobs and urbanite schedules? We suggest you hit the golden sandy beaches along the southern coast of Sri Lanka, and enjoy a few days of peace and tranquility by basking in the glory of the sun, the sea and the palm trees.

The Adrenaline Junkie:

It is exactly like it sounds. These travelers usually seek thrill everywhere they go, and have a tendency to partake in dangerous and risky activities. If you experience a rush in your veins when you daydream about activities such as skydiving or parasailing, you might be an adrenaline junkie. When others shy away, thrill-seekers step up because it is in their nature to find joy, in the rush of adrenaline. Sri Lanka, though small in size, is enormous in adventure, and the options are endless. From white water rafting in Kitulgala, to wildlife safaris at Yala, to surfing in Arugambay, to mountain biking in the hillside to camping out after an exhilarating hike at Pidurangala, you could have the time of your life chasing the rush here.

The Pilgrim:

A pilgrim simply refers to someone who travels to visit a holy place. Usually pilgrims travel in large groups, often by foot for long periods of time, until they reach the divine and religious destination. However, times have changed since then. The term “pilgrim” has expanded to include anyone who is a devout enthusiast or a fan of something and travels with the main goal of seeing that particular thing or person. If you too travel to gain spiritual peace through something, you might just be a pilgrim traveler. In the traditional sense of a pilgrimage, Sri Pada or Adam’s Peak in Sri Lanka is the best place to visit. It has religious ties to Buddhism, Christianity, Islamism and Hinduism, and it is as scenic as it could be. More to that effect, you could also visit the cultural triangle (Anuradhapura, Polonnaruwa and Kandy).

The Transformational Traveler:

It is no secret that travelling improves many qualities in a person. Communication, decision making, time and money management as well as conquering fears will become much easier when you make a habit of travelling. So, if you travel with the sole purpose of becoming a better person, and with the goal of self-transformation in mind, then you fall under this group. You could sign up for yoga tours, study the local languages, learn Sri Lankan recipes, expand your taste buds by trying out new delicacies, and pick up new hobbies from your travels around the country. By traveling for transformational purposes, you not only get a better version of yourself, but you pave way for inclusivity, economic growth for host country, less elitism, cultural acceptance and togetherness. It’s a win-win for all. And the best part is, no matter where in Sri Lanka you are, whether its at a turtle hatchery, in the bustling city of Colombo, up in the tea plantations, or in the beautiful northern area, there are endless opportunities to improve yourself.

Photos sourced from Amila Tennakoon, Bo Jorgensen, Pottier Jean Louis