Find Your Way to Yourself

If you’re experiencing an identity crisis, or are suffering from a lack of motivation, you should embark on a soul searching journey. While, this could mean various things to people, the ultimate goal is one and the same: examine your conscience, motives, values and find the version of yourself you’re most at peace with.

Find your way back to yourself starting from your trip to the paradise island of Sri Lanka.

Take a Trip Inward:

To soul search, you need to have a deep understanding of who you are; your strengths, limitations, likes and dislikes. If you feel uncomfortable, anxious, or restless when you spend time by yourself, it is most likely a result of not having discovered yourself. Your goal in taking a journey of soul searching isn’t to find immediate happiness, but to jump the hurdles that are keeping you from being at peace, through being self-aware. During your trip in Sri Lanka, we suggest you sign up for a surfing lesson, at Arugambay, Weligama and Trincomalee, which are known for their awesome waves.

Reflect on Work Life:

Most people feel the need to soul search, only when they experience burnout, and dawn upon the realization that what they’ve been doing all their career life, isn’t their true call. If you don’t have a passion for your work, or aren’t inspired by it, then you should reflect on your career and make a decision for your betterment. Take some time off work to spark up your life through adventurous expeditions. Sri Lanka is a world away from the life you’re used to. Whether you want to experience the adrenaline rush of a hike, go on a wildlife safari, hit the beach, try new cuisines, or get in touch with religion, Sri Lanka will not disappoint.

Engage in Spiritual Practices:

Sri Lanka is rich in religious, cultural and spiritual value. You could take a trip to the cultural triangle, which is an area marking the three most important historical and religious kingdoms of the country: Anuradhapura, Polonnaruwa and Kandy. In addition to the main districts, the famous Lion Rock (Sigiriya), Dambulla Rock Temples, and Minneriya also belong to this region. However, partaking in spiritual practices doesn’t always mean that you have to limit yourself to religious activities. It could also be as simple as engaging in practices such as yoga, meditation, or Ayurveda so that you feed your soul and spirit.

Immerse Yourself in Nature:

Urbanites tend to get lost in the hustle and bustle of city life, and ultimately lose themselves in the process. The easiest way to remedy that is to step back into nature. From the moment you enter Sri Lanka, you will feel the restorative powers of Mother Nature at play. To really immerse yourself in it, we suggest visiting national parks such as Yala or Wilpattu, or spending an evening of birdwatching at Kumana or Gal Oya. You could also go on a trek at Sinharaja, or even take a trip to the hill country, if you prefer the cold climate. There is something for everyone here, including sandy beaches, azure seas, a plethora of animals to marvel at, and mountains.

Help Others:

Helping yourself through helping others is one of the oldest tricks in the book, but it works. It gives you perspective, develops empathy, teaches you lessons on gratitude, and makes you a more well-rounded person, all the while directly making someone else’s lives better in the process. You could sign up as a volunteer with an NGO that supports causes you believe in. During your travels, you should always look for ways to uplift local communities, be sustainable, eco-conscious and generous. Treat your host country/ destination and the locals with respect, humility and kindness. You will blossom into a happier person, with a deep understanding of life, world, and self.

Photos sourced from Weldon Kennedy, Amila Tennakoon, and Droonepicr