Why You Should Take a Safari Ride

If you’re a naturalist visiting the beautiful tropical island of Sri Lanka, and want to expand your to-do list while you’re here, safaris are your best choice. You are guaranteed an unforgettable time no matter where you visit in Sri Lanka, but there is nothing like getting in touch with nature that will spark up the adrenaline in you. Embark on an iconic adventure as you explore the wilderness and make memories of a lifetime.

Here are some awesome reasons that will convince you to book your safari ride today.

Get Up Close and Personal with Nature:

Sri Lanka is second to none in her wondrous natural beauty! The safari rides at national parks will allow you to get close to majestic creatures like the Great Leopard, Asian Elephant, Sloth Bear, Sambar Deer and other mammals as well as a plethora of feathered beauties. You will get the rare opportunity to witness all these animals and much more at their natural habitat. Visit Yala to feast your eyes on the largest population of leopards, or Minneriya to see the famous elephant gathering.

It’s an Educational Adventure:

The little ones are going to love it, trust us! More importantly, so will you. Your safari guide is at your disposal, so don’t be shy. They will answer any question you may have about the creatures and the environment that surrounds you. Quench your curiosity and observe closely as you explore the wildlife, as the safari presents learning opportunities that you can’t find anywhere else. To understand the animal behaviour better, read up on them before your journey.

It’s All Planned for You:

Safaris are not just an incredible amount of joy, but they also take little to no planning on your end, once you book the ride. The trusted, experienced and knowledgeable tour operators will make sure your safari ride is safe, fun, and memorable. National Parks like Wilpattu will take care of everything from lodging, toilet facilities, food, to the actual safari.

Excellent Photographic Opportunities:

Why waste a perfect opportunity to make your friends back home jealous of the incredible time you spent, exploring the wildlife of Sri Lanka? When you go on a safari ride, you see animals at their most authentic state of being, and it is worth capturing a million photos of. Be aware and conscious of the fact that national parks such as Yala, and Sinharaja Rainforest are home to endemic, endangered and dangerous animals that should not be threatened by camera flashes. Consult your tour guide, or ask for a professional photographer to join your safari.

Take a Break:

Feel the wind in your hair, the sun on your skin and your heart flutter with pure unadulterated happiness as you soar through the mesmerising lands of a Sri Lankan national park. A safari ride will refuel your spirit, and let you recharge your batteries, as you bask in the glory of the animal kingdom. Take a trip to Kumana or Bundala to marvel at spectacular avifauna, or Udawalawe to see baby elephants. At places like Wilpattu or Yala, you could even camp out under the starry skies, to end your day in the dreamiest way possible.

So, what are you waiting for? Book your Sri Lankan Safari ride today.

Photos sourced from Amila Tennakoon and Ronald Tagra.